Welcome to Balanced Plates

Balanced Plates is the only meal planner you will ever need! At Balanced Plates we help you to discover your daily recommended calorie amount, so you can make the best decisions about your diet and lifestyle.
Not sure if your current diet matches up to what it should be? Simple. Use our meal planner to input what you have/are planning to eat today and it will calculate the total number of calories for you. Join the thousands of people who are eating their way to a better future!

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We Are...

Meet your nutrition allies: We are the experts behind your journey to healthier living. With 20 years of expertise, we've simplified meal planning for you. Try our user-friendly meal planner today and take the first step towards a nourished lifestyle.

Improve Your Health

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Please enter your height.
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Frequently Asked Questions...

It provides personalised calorie recommendations based on factors like age, gender, weight, height and activity level, aiding in meal planning and weight management. Also, it provides you with a breakdown of Macronutrients so you can compare what they are now and what they should be!

We offer estimates based on general formulas and averages provided by two Industry favourite APIs. Individual factors like metabolism may influence accuracy, so consider results as guidelines rather than strict rules.

Diet planning ensures essential nutrient intake, supports bodily functions, strengthens the immune system, manages weight, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases.

Misconceptions include equating "healthy" with "low-fat", avoiding food groups, and relying on temporary diets. A balanced diet is diverse, includes all food groups, and avoids extremes.

Hydration is essential for bodily functions like digestion and temperature regulation. Recommended daily water intake varies but generally falls between 8-12 cups (2-3 liters) for adults.